Tuesday, 10 January 2012


final animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PqB7sbbE-8&list=UUxUOyPScOXsjtgHMcwYeT8w&index=1&feature=plcp


My thoughts are rather mixed im annoyed because I know i can do better, modelling and animating but im happy with what i have got with the time i had to animate ... an animatic beforehand would have saved me trouble aswell.

storyboards revision

well during christmas i started my animation ..was happily animating away when i realised that i would go over the required 30 second limit so it was back to the storyboards for revision here are the new ones ( sorry for the quality they are a bit rubbish scanner seems to have degraded when i was away for christmas) I will explain each scene because of the scanning error

1. henry walks onto screen and notices the rod
2. henry stops at the rod 
3. he prods the rod
4. he grabs it and pulls sharply but the rod just stretches

5. henry shouts with anger
6. he goes in for a second try but this time holds it with 2 hands
7. he fights with it and uses his whole body to try get the rod
8. the rod retracts flinging henry off screen the rod bounces back in forth before slowly returning back to its place as if by magic

storyboards (old)

hectic christmas havnt been able to upload stuff till now (nearly completely forgot)

so heres my old storyboards :